About Jenny Mustill

Photo by Alun Callender

Jenny Mustill is an artist specialising in doll making and painting. Her work explores a variety of themes including the unconscious, family, the inner child concept, sexuality and the body. Jenny graduated from Chelsea College of Art with a BA in Fine Art painting. Soon after she joined Damien Hirst’s Gloucestershire studio as one of his assistants. Since 2009 Jenny has been the creative director of Ruby Ruth Dolls.



R/Evolution, Koop Projects, Brighton


Benevolent Beings, The Little Mustard Shop, Brighton

Group show, The Little Mustard Shop, Brighton


Polarised Perceptions, Solo show, The Gallery Lock-in, Brighton

The Art Rooms, group show, Brighton


Memory Palace, Solo show, The Art Rooms, Brighton


Jenny and Liam Paint the Blues, No Walls Gallery, Brighton